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  • Wenlin Qi

DES241 weekly blog


Week 5

As a team, we completed Project Brief v1.0 this week. Based on the initial idea of plastics, we conducted a series of research and analysis to further improve this idea.

Based on the Bill Culbert exhibition- Spacific Plastic held in the Auckland Art Gallery, we will design an immersive AR experience to expose users to the huge "ocean" of plastic waste. The purpose is to show users the side of ocean pollution to improve people's further understanding of this issue and its harm to the environment.

To be honest, I’m quite interested in this idea because I learned about the severity of ocean plastic pollution during the research and was deeply touched by the pictures of such a large number of marine organisms being hurt, even killed by plastics.

I hope our final project can interpret our ideas and make people “feel” the problem of marine plastic pollution in another attractive way instead of using text.

Even though this project can't change anything in probability, it's our way to convey what we want to express.

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