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  • Wenlin Qi

DES241 weekly blog


Week 4

We shared our bird idea with the teacher in this week's studio, he said “it’s good, but emmm, not enough.” Bird idea is not attractive because it just shows birds alive in Augmented Reality. So we decided to review the photos we took from last week for the artifacts and brainstorm a new idea.

One of the group members came up with the idea of Plastic。

The assumption is that plastic fragments fall like rain in the virtual world.

We put forward this new thought to the teacher again, and it passed!

I also prefer this concept over the bird one. What is the other real-world that is covered by colourful and gorgeous plastic? This needs us to develop and uncover.

So I overturned all previous investigations and conducted new research on the subject of plastics. This process enabled me to gain some new knowledge and think deeply about the impact of plastics on human beings and the earth.

Completely changing your mind is one of the common events in the design process, which may make the designer feel irritable. But completely different new ideas are often to improve the project itself, not in vain.

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