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  • Wenlin Qi

DES241 weekly blog

Week 3

At the beginning of the week, we went to the Art Gallery and got photos and videos of some artifacts we were interested in which have the potential opportunity for the mixed realities project. And I quite enjoyed it, because it was a great experience for me to see the real things instead of just pictures that can bring the inspiration directly.

The project requires us to create the MR experience that will bring this exhibit 'to life' through using AR or VR technology. We are required to use or create a 3d model (or models) of the artifact that is suitable for a mixed reality experience.

And we had a group meeting during the week on Discord to start our Project Brief 1.0. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the idea for the project we want to develop.

To make the decision, each member chose two or three artifacts they liked, and finally we decided on the bird idea which was brought by one of our group members who visited the museum.

Then we decided on the roles for the brief, my part was the Background and Rationale. And I did some research on the meaning and present situation of birds in Aotearoa.

Though some other great ideas had been talked about during our meeting, it was hard to make a decision. But as a designer, we have to do this all the time, and there are no wrong decisions, we always change and improve our ideas during the process.

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