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  • Wenlin Qi

DES241 weekly blog

Week 1

If you visited my website before, you might know I’m a design student and this is the second year for me to study at the University of Auckland. And if you are new here, you can check the “About” page for more information about me.

This semester I chose DESIGN 241: Designing Mixed Realities to be one of my elective courses. The reason why I decided to challenge myself to do emerging technologies which is not my strength is

  • one of my friends took this course last year and she said it’s interesting and you may learn something new;

  • when I heard about AR(Augmented Reality) for the first time I was very surprised by what I saw on my phone;

  • I haven’t experienced VR(Virtual) in real life which also attracts me;

So I want to create interesting, creative projects in this new area through this course. It will be a great experience for me.

At the end of the first class, I joined a group that is full of friendly classmates and I was happy to be with them. And after the process of naming our group, I found that when we have a large group, it’s positive to brainstorm together and have many different ideas, but also easy to cause divergence and always need to vote. Whatever there is strength in numbers.

My role in the group is audio, artist and 3D modelling. I will try my best to do what I should do and contribute to the group. Because I am not very familiar with mixed realities, except for studying the relevant knowledge in class I also plan to learn more from the online tutorial and do some practice in my free time. I hope I will be proud of myself at the end of this course.


Image by Ali Pazani from Pexels

Image by Min An from Pexels

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