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  • Wenlin Qi

Technical/Tools blog post - laser cutting machine


My favorite design machine is the laser cutting machine that I first contacted in the Design Lab of the University of Auckland. It looks very big and simple, just like an exhibition cabinet. But in this common outer casel, it hides powerful functions!

Market data from the Laser Systems Prod - uct Group of the Association for Manufacturing Technology ( AMT) shows that among all industrial laser applications , laser-cutting  systems have solidly earned their rank as first. (Charles L. Caristan, 2004)

It is also possible to cut very fine geometries of any shape, because A connected path of lines and curves that define the cutting style, 'cutout' ,is typically drawn red with a line stroke of 0.01mm. (Helen Lansdown, 2019)

(the picture from-

It is suitable for many types of materials including plastic, metal and miscellaneous materials (wood,paper,fabric), and there is no other technology that can cut so many different types of organic and inorganic materials. But for the paper and card, these materials are likely to have burn damage. And the underside of the sheet material that is in contact with the bed of the machine is prone to being damaged during cutting .And the laser burns the edges of some materials when it is cut out and occasionally marks the top surface. (Helen Lansdown, 2019)

I had searched for some information about laser cutting before the training. And after learning about it, I’m very interested in it. So I was looking forward to using it, because this was the first time for me to formally learn how to use a professional design machine. After the teacher's explanation and demonstration, we handled all the details according to the requirements and set the exact size in the laser cutting design software, and that was more simply to operate than I thought. But this process was very interesting because it was completely based on personal interests and ideas. At last, we designed the key rings with our own name, and there are also personalized patterns on it. After sending our works to the processor of the laser cutting machine, and then doing some necessary operations, it began to work. Through the transparent panel, I could clearly see its hands moving left and right on the worktable and cutting the material plate. Compared with the 3D printer, it can process work much faster, and this is another reason why I like it. 

The laser cutting machine can give me the opportunity to create designs for the future works! ( make the digital logo design real, or create an object by connecting different parts together that are cut by this machine. -some ideas)


Charles L. Caristan (2004)

Laser Cutting Guide for Manufacturing

Helen Lansdown (2019)

Digital Modelmaking: Laser Cutting, 3D Printing and Reverse Engineering

#DES100 Technical/Tools

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