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  • Wenlin Qi

Social Gardening

Group member: Wenlin Qi, Charlotte Lambert.


This is an assignment which needs us to form a group and together we should create a design strategy addressing an identified challenging scenario.

The topic of interest we chose for this project is social connections and especially focus on neighbourhoods. And the initial challenge we decided is How does service design encourage people to actively participate in socializing with others in their neighbourhood, which is also our objective to create this kind of service design.

Design process

First, we chose our topic of interest that is social connections to form different teams and define it to be one of our objectives. 

And we also identify an existing service related to the topic and create an ecosystem map for this service to inspire us and help identify the problem that we would like to address and develop. With the feedback from our teachers, we changed the question a little and decided it as our final goal.

Then we did some initial research to map the problem space to help us identify all the opportunities for design interventions across the data, technology, product, experience, system, and implication.

To understand the problem deeper, we did secondary research around related questions and tasks including services within the chosen topic, the reason behind statistics and the main group of people who have this issue. We used the timeline document to manage these works fairly.

To understand the problem deeper, we did secondary research around related questions and tasks including services within the chosen topic, the reason behind statistics and the main group of people who have this issue.

We used the timeline document to manage these works fairly.

Based on our research findings we generate some insights to synthesise main patterns. We also defined the people and developed our problem to detailed and clearer question.

Then we did ideas generation to brainstorm any possible ideas for our problem by reviewing all the work we did and reduce options to select the best idea by voting.

After reducing and analysing the ideas, we define and illustrate the chosen idea into one strategy concept.

And we used the value proposition canvas to develop our strategy deeper and richer after we got the feedback from classmates.

After all, we created a blueprint to help us find the structure of our strategy and how to connect everything including services, products and organisations.

Design strategy

Our project is named Social Gardening which will be a shared garden in a community to encourage neighbours to socialise with each other. Users can use this space to plant fruits, vegetables, flowers and any other plants that everyone enjoys. Anyone who wants to participate will join one of the gardening groups with at least one expert who can help users who do not know how to do gardening. 

New users who want to join can go to the community service centre or the official website and Facebook group for the garden to submit applications and find groups by doing a service, all the information and news about the garden will be provided. They can also check the posts on the website or Facebook group from the others or share their own experiences. They can learn from each other in this way.

Special collection bins will be provided for users for their kitchen waste such as peels and vegetable leaves, to fertilize the plants, which is more kind to the environment. Users just need to plant during their free time to help them enrich life and relax.

A morning market will be set up in special time in the community to let users choose to sell their plants in the group’s stall to others in the neighbourhood and even surrounding neighbourhoods for a reasonable price. 

And rules will be established to manage the garden and the market to satisfy everyone in the community.


Planting in Social Gardening can help users build skills and cultivate interest in the process, and also make them close to nature which can help to relax and release pressure. Users may have fun and enrich their lives.

Working with group members for a common goal can cultivate team spirit and build responsibility. Do gardening together can help users to socialize and encourage them to communicate with neighbours in the community, this will reduce loneliness to a certain extent.

As a recyclable process, reusing the kitchen waste to fertilize plants is an action symbol of energy conservation and emission reduction as well as the bridge to better love the earth.

Morning market can help users build new relationships with other neighbours who may not join the Social Gardening, but also create another source of income for them. And the fresh vegetables, fruits can be gotten through the morning market in the community instead of going to the supermarket which is more convenient. Because this model is equivalent to direct sales, the price of food will be relatively cheaper and saving costs at the same time.


Social Gardening can encourage people to actively participate in socialising with others in their neighbourhood, it lets users start a relationship comfortably because they have the same interest that is planting and doing gardening. Through the social media - website and Facebook will need to be used, they are just for users to contact with each other more conveniently and they also help people to learn and share, which actually create gains, and users still mainly focus on the garden. 

All in all, this is a great experience for me to create a design strategy with my partner and I enjoyed it.

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