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  • Wenlin Qi

You Are The Key

This is an assessment which asks us to imagine and explore a world where our insight has come true.

My insight is - In 2027, with the digital smart door lock applied widely in Intelligent City, the traditional locksmith will be unemployed.

Research & Concept

Firstly,  I brainstormed the different people, places and things surrounding the insight, and created two system maps for the present and future to let me understand and engage with the complexities of processes more effectively.

Then based on the two system maps I brainstormed practicable artifact ideas as more as possible.

And I chose three ideas from them to develop to final concepts for artifacts, which can show the insight creatively and also be meaningful.

After getting the feedback from my tutor and evaluating these concepts, I decided to create an interactive poster as my artifact for this project. Because I think as a medium, the interactive poster can display more information with visual effect.


To develop the idea I created 3 visual mood boards that help me to explore different options within my chosen concept.

I also drew some sketches to prototype and flesh out my designs.

But the feedback from my tutor let me change the idea because I do not have any experience in this type of poster which needs skills of technology. It would be hard and take a long time for me to create one, so I changed the idea to a classical poster that can also contain rich elements to let me brainstorm more different creative ideas. And I thought it would be a great way to show the past and the future.

After evaluating I decided to use this initial sketch to prototype and developed it as the final design.

Then I set up a blueprint to communicate and plan how I would use the remaining time and resources to create your final artifact.


To fabricate the final artifact, I used InDesign and Photoshop to create the layout and the vision.

In this process, I did a lot of changes and added some more elements to find the best visual effect and show my idea best.

This is the initial design.

To make the key and the human body to be clearer and better, I changed background and color of them.

This is the initial outcome With the suggestion from the tutor, I changed the tagline much bigger and making it into a title, and also added a paragraph by using the small text.

These are the different options I created with the title.

After compared them, I decided the final layout.

The outcome had been created as the hero shot of the artifact.

And I used photoshop to create 2 descriptives for my artifact based on the feedback from the tutor.

After all, to let the viewer understand my ideas clearer, an exhibition writeup had been made by me by using the template, which is a detailed description of the final artifact.

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