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  • Wenlin Qi


This poster was made by painting, which is the only technique I used for it. It is mainly based on the literal meaning of this haiku. The whole is divided into several black and white parts, and the geometric shape I used is composed of arcs and straight lines, it is designed to represent different objects in different sizes and colours. These all embody the theme of contrast.

Throughout the poster, it is divided into two main parts by the oblique line. The first half of the black background represents the night, so obviously, the next white part represents the moon with the light.

The other white part consists of six geometric shapes with different sizes, which represents the flowers in this haiku. While the black part between the moon and the flowers is to show the shape of the flower better. And the rest of the black part is the shadow of the flowers, which is bigger than the original flowers. This design is not only to make the overall effect better but also according to the principle of light projection.

The technique I used in this movie poster is Sketchbook and Photoshop which are useful software. Different from the hand drawing of the first poster, this method can show the quality better. Based on this haiku, I used my imagination to turn it into a story about a female thief.

You can see it from the content of the poster. Let’s start with the left part, there are five different sizes of circular lights, they are actually from the flashlights. The yellow line next to it is the colour of the light shining on the wall. The rest is the part of the female thief who is running away, at a corner, she appreciated the necklace she stole. The poster mainly uses dark colours to show the night, which corresponds to the environment shown in the haiku. "Light" is also used in flashlights. The female thief and the necklace that seems like a flower in her hand stand for the "flowers" in the haiku. The rest black part in the lower right corner is her shadow.

The movie is called cat and mouse, because it's a story between “light” and “shadow”, and also is a game between thief and police.

This is a story about a noble woman who was born in Chinese feudal dynasty (ancient Choina). She wanted to fight against the secular world in that era, but ended up in failure.

The first moment took place in her childhood. The books on her head stand for the pressure of the rules she had to be taught, and the flowers stretched into the wall led her to yearn for freedom. The second moment happened in her teenage years. She wanted to escape. The last shoe was discarded by her, which means she was disgusted with the secular strict rules, but she could not escape the search of people. The third moment happened in middle age, the opened book represented that she was forced to accept these rules. And the flower in the last frame was like trapped in the words of the book, just like her, and could not escape.

Flowers stand for freedom, while walls and books stand for rules that constrain her. The contrast between these two reflects the theme of the haiku.

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