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  • Wenlin Qi

"Books' Coming and Going"

Brief description

"Books’ coming and going'' is an app for the idle books to be borrowed which was jointly created by Jinan culture and Tourism Office, Jinan publishing house, Jinan library and aichengshi website. With the help of advanced mobile Internet technology and the mature delivery service system, the "books’ coming and going'' built an online book drifting platform, so that users can freely borrow high-quality books from others at low cost. Users only need to download the app and complete the real-name certification. To share the books to the platform, users just need to scan the ISBN barcode of unneeded books, operate and submit according to the prompts. When the uploaded book is ordered by others, the courier will pick up the book and send it to others. On the homepage of the app, users can select the book they are interested in and need to pay the rental, deposit and shipping fees after confirming the order. The delivery address can choose users’ address or any book station designated by the platform. Users can pick up the book with the book order information or QR code, and they need to return the book to any book station after reading, then they can get the returned deposit.


Reading is gradually becoming a part of people's life, but the book is often left idle after it is read. The greatest value of books lies in reading. Books that are not read are a huge waste of resources. And people will buy more new books to meet their reading needs. As a long-term result, there are more and more idle books at home. On the other hand, because the price of paper and other raw materials is rising, the price of books is also increasing. In this case, the cost of reading greatly increased, resulting in less reading.


The purpose is to provide the best way for people to deal with idle books and advocate the new reading way of borrowing and sharing of idle books in society. Let the books that are idle in the bookcase be used for sharing, exchanging and recycling. To realize the maximum value of books and reduce the reading cost of the book readers.

Main stakeholders

- App platform (manager)

Improve and demonstrate the innovation ability of local public cultural services. Solve the problems of people dealing with idle books and obtaining books. And making a new social trend to promote nationwide reading.

- Users upload books (provider)

Deal with idle books, share their books with other readers, and bring the new value of old books into play. As the borrower needs to pay a deposit, there is no need to worry about the damage to the book.

- Users order books (borrower)

They can borrow books they are interested in at a lower price, which is more convenient and less restrictive on the online platform.

- Express company (delivery)

Broaden the scope of business to get certain popularity and achieve publicity effect. And also can get a certain profit from the platform.


As an app, “books’ coming and going” is not limited by time, place and other conditions. Through book drifting, idle books can be read again. The same book can be shared with more people so that books can get a new reading life and users can share their enjoyment in reading through the transmission of books. It not only realizes the exchange of needed books, saves the cost of purchasing books, but also realizes the maximization of the utilization of resources. “Books’ coming and going” creates and develops a new way for idle books by sharing.


Social- To a certain extent, it makes use of the initiative of users, enriches the stock of users' books, expands the scope of knowledge, which is mutually beneficial. It is of great help to the idealization and diversification of life to embody the humanistic spirit, pursue the beautiful realm of life.

Environmental- Printing books need to consume water, wood and coal resources. "Books’ coming and going" provides a solution to this problem and achieves resource sharing. In line with the advanced concept of conservation, green and environmental protection.

Economic- Because users get the right to read books in a low-cost way, they only need to pay low rental and shipping, and the deposit will be returned after finishing reading. This makes the app not have a large profit. The delivery company can charge a certain amount of shipping fees.


Weimin Chen. (2019). "Books’ coming and going" book exchange platform test run, spend 2 RMB to get books on the online platform.

Jinan library. (2019). Offline promotion activities of the "books’ coming and going" platform were successfully held in the new library of Jinan City.

Aichengshi website. (2019). Official announcement! "Books’ coming and going" book exchange platform officially started using.

ShulaiShuwang e-commerce (Shanghai) Co., (2016). ShulaiShuwang. Ltd书来书往#prev

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